Version 0.13.2Public Now Available
Hey guys,
Version 0.13.2public is now available to everyone. For those of you who have played the most recent Patreon-only version please note there is no extra content, just some very minor bug fixes and corrected typos.
This update sees the conclusion to Rachel’s storyline and punishment system where we raise her to level 10. There is also a significant amount of content for Miss Newman as we introduce her to the headmaster’s most advanced disciplinary techniques. As well as adding several new actions to the punishment system we’ve also redone all of Rachel’s punishment animations to bring them up to current standards and to add the red butt effect. The update contains around 42,000 words of dialogue, around 1000 new renders and over 350 video files.
We introduced a lot of code changes in this update which will affect the entire game, not just the new content. Old saves will still work fine though. There is also an option to skip straight to chapter 2 for anyone who wants to start from when the headmaster is allowed to punish the girls himself. A lot of these code changes won’t have an obvious effect on gameplay yet. However, they represent the essential groundwork for a huge number of exciting changes going forwards.
As well as Rachel’s storyline there are a few other parts to the update. Ada’s candid photographs of the twins from the last poll are in the game now. Be sure to speak with Ada in the hallway on Monday afternoon to give her her phone back then check your emails. I’ve grouped the background girls together into a new character log entry. Currently, there are two new patrol events to demonstrate what we plan to do with these girls. Plus there are a half dozen videos of the girls showering in the dorms.
We have already made some significant progress with the next update and you can click on the staff training option in the after-school punishment menu to see some previews. This will also unlock Debbie’s Halloween in the event log.
Android users
There will be no dedicated android version released this time. Android users will need to play the windows version with the Joiplay app. This is because of app file size restrictions that are out of my control. You can find detailed instructions on how to use Joiplay here. Saves from the old android version will work with Joiplay.
Content changes
From 0.12.3 Public to 0.13.2Public:
- New student quest for Rachel (The Headmaster’s Pet - Part 2) with several new events
- Added dildo practice option when speaking with Rachel in the office
- Added several new videos to the in-game porn website, plus added the option to watch porn with Rachel
- Remade all of Rachel’s punishment system animations and added the red butt effect
- Rachel can naked for punishment (with her cat ears)
- New punishment actions for Rachel (check bruises, dildo, anal dildo and sex)
- Candid photos of the twins and secret selfies added to Ada’s phone
- New Character entry for “The Other Students”
- Two new Patrol events featuring unnamed girls
- Five new events when spying on the girl's dorms shower
- Added Debbie’s Halloween to the replay menu (unlock by clinking on the staff training option in the afterschool punishment menu)
Major coding changes
From 0.12.3 Public to 0.13.2Public:
- A skip to chapter 2 option has been added
- The stats bar now displays a description of what each statistic does when hovering over each icon
- The game's economy has been completely overhauled. Several items and construction projects have reduced costs. The headmaster will also get raises from the school's owners after passing certain rules. A large bonus will be given when starting chapter 2.
- The way the game's statistics are coded has been changed in order to pave the way for different game modes (e.g. easy mode, hard mode etc) as well as some other new gameplay features.
- When there is a new item, email or construction option available on the headmaster's computer, a star will display on the appropriate icon
- Almost all of the games image buttons have been re-coded to remove unnecessary hover images
- Almost all “baked-in” text has been removed to make translations easier
- Added a black screen between video transitions using the red butt effect. This should prevent crashes some people reported when switching animations
Get The Headmaster
The Headmaster
The headmaster is a dark comedy combining a nonlinear story, stats management and a unique punishment system.
Status | In development |
Author | altosandherdone |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Tags | Adult, Comedy, Erotic, Hentai, Male protagonist, Nonlinear, NSFW, Sandbox |
More posts
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- Version 0.12.3Pubic Now Available (Maintenant disponible en version français...Mar 12, 2022
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- Version 0.8.2Public Out NowJul 11, 2020
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if you are on the PC version on an AMD machine and experiencing a crash to desktop during Rachel being spanked on Miss Newman's lap in 0.14.3, some people have been able to get past this by changing a graphics option:
to open the options menu select "Force Angle 2 Renderer" quit the game and re-launch itWhen is the next update?
how do you get the 12 influance point as i have the 11 that was in the old versions but cannot figure out how to get the influance to pass the rule needed for maxines quest
I think this game is dead
Hands down my favorite game I've discovered on this site
i have a question... how do you get to punish be yourself.
It's impressive how well the quality of the gameplay has been maintained
So can't get the update for Android cool
You can get the update. With joiplay. Just read the instructions
nah I figured it out if you delete the game and redownload it with the newest version it works just don't have the progress
If you use a file browser to locate and move the save file first, then when you get done installing the new update you can place the save file back in the appropriate folder and keep your progress.
Fantastic update! The way Rachel looks adoringly into your eyes is just perfection.
"Added a black screen between video transitions using the red butt effect. This should prevent crashes some people reported when switching animations"
now im getting crashes where i never had them before, for example, in the scene where priti spanks harriet in her bedroom, and watching porn with rachel in our office.. there have been others too, all of them in animation scenes, not solely associated with red bottom scenes, but always when the animation changes angle/shot.
not exactly using a lower-end device (my system was high end only 2 years ago)
Great update, glad to see this game is still being actively worked on, it's one of my favourites.
Found a bug with spanking Lucy at the weekend, the game crashes often when switching camera angles while spanking. Looking at the notes above I'd guess maybe you didn't fix this specific scene with the black screen between transitions?
That scene works fine for me. If you're using a lower end device, then the black screen transition may indeed be the case, but I have no way of testing.
It's a gaming PC I'm playing on. Shouldn't be an issue with spec. Maybe there's something else going on. It's an old save that I've continued to play since the previous patch, not a new playthrough. Maybe that has something to do with it. I'll have a play around and see if I can figure out what the cause is.
I have played an old save through the new content, as well as a new save, and have had zero issues at all. Might I suggest that this is simply your computer not quite agreeing with the coding of the game?
I only say this because I have games that work perfectly fine on my desktop but refuse to run on my laptop, and the reverse is also true. For example, "Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit" runs perfectly fine at 120 fps on my laptop, but gets stuck at the initial load screen on my desktop. For the reverse, "Borderlands 3" runs flawlessly at 120 fps on my desktop, but only runs at a measly 15 fps on my laptop.
Sometimes a computer just doesn't agree with specific lines of code. I don't know what causes it, but sometimes weird shit just happens. Hopefully you find a solution to the problem and can play through the scenes you enjoy without further issue.
I found a typo in the early portions of the game. While punishing Debbie and bringing her up to level three, Miss Newman says "I'm impressed. I was a little sceptical at first when you had me rub her bottom."
Sceptible is misspelled, it should be "Skeptical". I don't know how this typo has survived this long, but hopefully it will be corrected now that it has been pointed out.
EDIT: I have also noticed a possible coding error. In the email you receive from Mykock about a tour of the school, the last line says "There is no rush Mr [surname], just contact me when you are ready and I shall arrange the visit.
I believe that the [surname] portion is referring to a line of code that is failing to be read properly, or the code is incorrectly written and is failing to be recognized as actual code.
EDIT: It has been shown to me by the following comment that both spellings are technically correct. Please feel free to ignore my comment about a typo, since the word skeptical/sceptible comes down to an individual preference.
"sceptical" is the correct spelling in the english language, which originated from the french word "sceptique".
perhaps you are using some obscure regional dialect specific to only one place on earth, such as american?
Huh, now that you point that out, I googled it and they are both technically correct. Skeptical and Sceptical are both used, it's just much more common here in America to spell it skeptical, at a 92% preferred rate, as opposed to a 50/50 preference in the UK.
just because an entire nation is spelling it incorrectly, or even 50% of another nation, or even if every last moron in the world was spelling it incorrectly, does not make it correct.
the evidence is in the etymology.
1+1=2, no matter how many ppl say its 3
Ooooh, buddy. You have no one to blame but yourself for this can of worms.
Skeptical is 100% just as correct to use as sceptical. As a matter of fact, wouldn't you know it, even my auto-correct wants me to use skeptical. If you google "sceptical" what pops up first? Skeptical. With a tiny little footnote showing that it could also be spelled sceptical. OH, and that's through Google UK. Which just happens to be the *only* country that sceptical is even close to having a majority use in. At a 50/50 split.
The spelling of skeptic is, historically, more accurate than sceptic regardless of your personal opinion, because it actually isn't derived from sceptique. That's a huge misconception. Sceptic is derived from from the French word sceptique. Skeptic is derived from the Latin word skepsis. Latin is, by far, the older language, which many other languages are derived from. Including French. The evidence, as you say, is in the etymology. You did, you know, research the etymology, right?
Hate to break it to you, but it's not just the United States that uses skeptic. A solid majority of worldwide English speakers use skeptic. There is not a single country, in the whole world, that uses sceptic more than skeptic. Not a single one. So, when you say "obscure regional dialect specific to only one place on earth, such as America", I don't know what the crap you're talking about.
I did my research. And here are some numbers for you.
US - 92% skeptical
UK- 50/50
India - 68% skeptical
Philippines - 92% skeptical
Canada - 83% skeptical
Australia - 56% skeptical
Ireland 51% skeptical.
New Zealand 61% skeptical
Jamaica 72% skeptical
Trinidad 59% skeptical
firstly, your fallacy of false equivalence is invalid, because of the strong inversely proportional relationship between the education level of a country, and the use of then incorrect spelling.
Eg: americans = extremely low education rates, extremely high incorrect spelling rates for the word, whereas Switzerland with its highest objective educational outcomes per capita exclusively uses the correct spelling with a C. alkso note that america has not only been in military and/or political possession of half countries with the highest incorrect spelling rates, such as the Philippines, Jamacia, Trinidad and canada for almost a century now, polluting not only their language and education systems but also their culture, morals, spelling bees and gene pool.
fact is, language has logical structure and a very finely tuned system of rules and styles (no, 'style' does not refer to 'fashion', you're wrong again), and even if 100% of dumbarses were spelling it with a K, they'd still be wrong.
your argument is akin to saying something as stupid as "99% of ppl think that 1+1=3, therefore now, 1+1=3".
language is not a democracy
How do i update on PC without having to purchase it again?
Go to the "My Library" page for your profile. Any games that you have purchased on itch are shown on the top row, and you can download them onto any device that you log into your itch account on.
If you aren't sure where to click to find that particular page, here's the link.
"Old saves will still work fine though."
nope, but im happy to spank them all over from the beginning again >:)
*edit: it as only my most recent 3 saves that wouldn't load, was able to load a save that was only a few scenes away from the new content