as a native english speaker (aussie) old enough to have used this word irl as a highschooler, yes, it means something like "slut", or "vile bitch". you can also use it to mean "spit" (eg: "he slagged on her, then she wiped the slag off her face")
I can't download the game in android, it's not letting me install, it wants me to download this from playstore for some reason that I don't know. Any solutions on how to fix it?
I love this game but I cant seem to unlock the replay between 'Trixie's dirty stories' and 'Lucy tells all', I know there's a button to unlock all but seeing as some of the replays are choices (either one or the other) I dont want to unlock them, also can you just change the choices of Olivia and then alter the flashing scene of Liz? I dont want to ruin things by the choices I made with Olivia
I recently downloaded version 0.9.2 and have been trying to trigger the new content on the Monday morning but I am unable to, is there a certain day number it should be triggered on?
All the new content takes place in chapter 2, which is after you have completed the second main quest (A Man's Work) and you can punish the girls yourself.
Have there times einge questions have the last version 0.9.2 and am with the second part actually finished.Stand at the time135 Grades,235 Disceplin and Popular 65.The qeusts have all stand below continues in the nearest part 8in the sense).when it goes on or is that not yet the full version.?And how many parts are there actually?
Addendum: had overlooked the rest of Rachel's Qeut, only I hang there now already 6 game weeks to observe whether she rubs herself to sleep. Otherwise, no more Qeust is open, is there now close or goes on. As already said version 9.02
Game days 464 Grades 573,Discepline452,Poplaity 103.
Ansonten Super game which is really fun and has great people variety.
One of the best erotic games which I found. Not focused on mindles fapping, actually also have some real game mechanics, adventure feautures, authors thought about characters and relations between them. Even if have already lot of content, I´m really looking forward to day when this game will be finnished.
I am so Addicted to this, it is honestly one of the best things I've played. The way its dialogue is worded is quite intelligent and the Characters are extremely engaging. So much that I could betray Pitri and hand over her Photos. Rachel is Amazing and I honestly got 'excited' every interaction with her. I even have a friend that is practically blond Liz.
Having experience with Bdsm I can see the Headmaster is a very good dominant even if he is a twisted sadist.
Only Issue I had was trying to get Rachel's shirts vs skins to trigger the second time. And the unfortunate uncompleted play with the most common offenders.
I will definitely be interested in paying for this when completed.
You have to have her be your maid a few times then there's dialouge about her being allergic to bees. After that go to the beach and it'll go from there
Hello Everyone, i am stuck when convincing Ruth, in the quest log of the staff it says go to the lounge, but when I go there to talk to her, I can't say or do anything. Please help
You earn influence points from staff quests. Check the quest log. One of the buttons in the top left. Go to staff quests and it will tell you what to do next next.
You can't increase action points but you can unlock new actions with have more points. Focus on Debbie first. The quest log for each girl will tell you what to do.
As I understood, game is still under development and a lot more content is in plans. As developers told, they want to release new update this month, but it will be available only for patrons. Here latest update will appear a month later.
I'm waiting long for Miss Potts to demonstrate my Lessons, but NO girl is misbehaving. I visit her classroom everyday. I need influence points from her........Pls Help
Make sure you've passed all the necessary rules (specifically the confiscate clothing rule). If you find yourself stuck then follow a different quest line and come back to it later. Everything is interconnected.
nice touch with the 007 golden eye n64 game sound effects in the side quest [Spoiler] the man with the golden water gun/pistol i put water/pistol as I cant remember the name of the side quest .
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update the game, add more content please
Patience is a virtue
I know
A new version is out already for patrons and I'll post it here for free on May 1st.
Is $ 5 available for Patreon too?
The beta version is out now for $10 patrons and the main release for $5 patrons will be on Saturday.
Role on may 1st....... gr8 game..
Will you add scenes for samantha?
only women,or will there be guys 2?
Copy the saves file and paste it in the newer version. The location is the same with all versions.
when is the next update coming out?
A new beta version just came out for patrons. It'll be posted here in about five weeks.
I love the game so far, but i do have 1 question, what does slag mean i dont know if its a European thing or if ive just never heard of it
Insult toward women who has multiple lovers i guess, like a slut, whore, type thing
as a native english speaker (aussie) old enough to have used this word irl as a highschooler, yes, it means something like "slut", or "vile bitch".
you can also use it to mean "spit" (eg: "he slagged on her, then she wiped the slag off her face")
i really want the new update, have waited sooo long, best game ever
I can't download the game in android, it's not letting me install, it wants me to download this from playstore for some reason that I don't know. Any solutions on how to fix it?
You need to set your phone to allow third party apps to be installed. Check your security settings.
Where do you find miss Newman's keys
Unlock the lake
I love this game but I cant seem to unlock the replay between 'Trixie's dirty stories' and 'Lucy tells all', I know there's a button to unlock all but seeing as some of the replays are choices (either one or the other) I dont want to unlock them, also can you just change the choices of Olivia and then alter the flashing scene of Liz? I dont want to ruin things by the choices I made with Olivia
There are quite a few options like this in the cheat menu. Press the red button three times.
also an option to unlock specific scenes or to chance the way a scene plays out IE Liz's flashing scene?
Oh man, I cant wait to see new update...
April 10th it will be released on Patreon and, probably, only on May 10th we will get it here. Soooo long...
kann man hier auch das neue Update zur verfügung stellen gegen bezahlung .
I recently downloaded version 0.9.2 and have been trying to trigger the new content on the Monday morning but I am unable to, is there a certain day number it should be triggered on?
All the new content takes place in chapter 2, which is after you have completed the second main quest (A Man's Work) and you can punish the girls yourself.
Is all done bau Chaper 2 is not starting
Is all done bad Chaper 2 is not starting
Does anyone know when is the next update planned?
Hello Altosan und Herdone
Have there times einge questions have the last version 0.9.2 and am with the second part actually finished.Stand at the time135 Grades,235 Disceplin and Popular 65.The qeusts have all stand below continues in the nearest part 8in the sense).when it goes on or is that not yet the full version.?And how many parts are there actually?
Addendum: had overlooked the rest of Rachel's Qeut,
only I hang there now already 6 game weeks to observe whether she rubs herself to sleep. Otherwise, no more Qeust is open, is there now close or goes on. As already said version 9.02
Game days 464 Grades 573,Discepline452,Poplaity 103.
Ansonten Super game which is really fun and has great people variety.
übersetzt mit t Deepl
One of the best erotic games which I found. Not focused on mindles fapping, actually also have some real game mechanics, adventure feautures, authors thought about characters and relations between them. Even if have already lot of content, I´m really looking forward to day when this game will be finnished.
I am so Addicted to this, it is honestly one of the best things I've played. The way its dialogue is worded is quite intelligent and the Characters are extremely engaging. So much that I could betray Pitri and hand over her Photos. Rachel is Amazing and I honestly got 'excited' every interaction with her. I even have a friend that is practically blond Liz.
Having experience with Bdsm I can see the Headmaster is a very good dominant even if he is a twisted sadist.
Only Issue I had was trying to get Rachel's shirts vs skins to trigger the second time. And the unfortunate uncompleted play with the most common offenders.
I will definitely be interested in paying for this when completed.
its very nice i see potential i finish everything for now cant wait for the update
You can't
How to Cheat
There's a button that says don't press in the replay menu. Press it a couple of times and you get to the cheat menu
ok thank you
In the Replay menu (the camera Icon in the top right corner in the sidebar)
How do I get Lucy to drop the towel on the lake?
did you try the dog? don't rememeber
The dog ripped Donna's bikini off. When Lucy is on the beach I can't go to the right like normally.
She's alergic to bee stings.
You have to have her be your maid a few times then there's dialouge about her being allergic to bees. After that go to the beach and it'll go from there
the girl helping her cleans your house, you learn she's allergic to bee's and use that to scare her off.
how to find the keys for Miss.Newman ?
How do you let Ruth allow you to punish the girls yourself? my quest board is stuck on meeting her in the office which i have already done
Have you checked the recycling bin on the computer?
I did! thank you!
I'm very thankful for the auto save feature. It saved me 2+ hours of gameplay which else would be lost due to a power outage
every game needs auto-saves
Hello Everyone, i am stuck when convincing Ruth, in the quest log of the staff it says go to the lounge, but when I go there to talk to her, I can't say or do anything. Please help
Think you may have to open the safe in your office first (Not sure if you've already done this), but to do that you have to open the beach first
Hello, can I ask you how can I convince Ruth to let me punish the girls myself? Iam stuck at at 9 influence points and 50 grades 50 discipline.
You earn influence points from staff quests. Check the quest log. One of the buttons in the top left. Go to staff quests and it will tell you what to do next next.
How to earn three influences from Miss.Newman.I already gave her the keys....This quest is closing in my way to increase the displine to an hundred...
Focus on punishing Debbie and make sure to pass the confiscate clothing rule at the school board.
Ok...I'll try it..Thx..
this game is awesome and now I'm addicted to this.
By the way, is there any way to increase the action points?
I can't make girl level up with the points I have.
You can't increase action points but you can unlock new actions with have more points. Focus on Debbie first. The quest log for each girl will tell you what to do.
Will it have a sad /happy /multiple ending? Ps I love your game .
When will Miss Star allow for hook up, she asks for a dine. Is it in the later update?
Thank you so much for making this game i love it. Are you finished with this game or will you keep updating it?
As I understood, game is still under development and a lot more content is in plans. As developers told, they want to release new update this month, but it will be available only for patrons. Here latest update will appear a month later.
What is the easy way to get point
how do you get them
the button that say’s don’t click me
I'm waiting long for Miss Potts to demonstrate my Lessons, but NO girl is misbehaving. I visit her classroom everyday. I need influence points from her........Pls Help
Make sure you've passed all the necessary rules (specifically the confiscate clothing rule). If you find yourself stuck then follow a different quest line and come back to it later. Everything is interconnected.
nice touch with the 007 golden eye n64 game sound effects in the side quest [Spoiler] the man with the golden water gun/pistol i put water/pistol as I cant remember the name of the side quest .
I cant start the game, could anyone tell me what i have to click?