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I have a question about the quest ... The Headmaster's pet ..... What do I have to do so that the quest, where the digital camera should be used, is fulfilled ???? .... I have already bought the digital camera .. .

What happened to the "Do Not Touch!" button? I missed that! I know you couldn't really progress in the game with it, but for someone with a short attention span like me, it made the game more fun. As of now it is kinda slow paced!

The cheat menu button is where it's always been, in the top right of the event log.

OK Thank you! I know I should just persevere! But I have tried!

(1 edit)

where is the event log i cant seem to find it

Top right button on the main map.


when the next update will be release please ? 

ps : I love your game


Thank you. Patreon release will hopefully be by the end of this month. The public release will be a month later


The Headmaster and his undying devotion to discipline is what makes the pandemic bearable! Will this be version 1.0? 

I have 4.5gb left of storage and when i try to download it, in the end it always say app not installed, is it not compatible with my phone or do i need more storage?


I had a great time playing this game, can't wait for the next update.

(3 edits) (+1)(-1)

Fantastic game! Realy a rare one. Not just a usual porn game without any good motivation or character background. It even have an original story. There is good and reasonable motivation for all characters. And, I must admit, a realy interesting gameplay. I hope developers will continue to update this game, adding more girls and new chapters. Thanks for the great game (specialy for android version)... and such a cute pet :D

P.S. That could be great to see more content for Maxine and Nina in the future updates. Im realy interested in these two girls.

P.P.S. I wish I could become a patron... but I cant and this is a shame.

How do I unlock the lake?

Through a rule (under other rules) in a Friday staff meeting. make sure your discipline are high else it can end the game quickly because the grades will start dropping.

Deleted 3 years ago

Regardless of who you choose, the lab assistant will ultimately be Anna. You might as well accept Trixie's blowjob.

Actually refusing the BJ makes her come to your apartment..leading to a sexy scene

im stuck on the troublesome inspector quest help

inspect the death of the old headmaster, it will give you what you need

where are you stuck? specifics will help.

Any chance for cryptocurrencies? Patreon doesn't accept my credit card.


I think I have an issue in Rachel's storyline. I'm on Chapter 2 and I reached the 6th step of Rachel's quest (Make Rachel take off her shirt in front of you), and I've done this step multiple times and it hasn't cleared yet. Oddly enough the 2nd step in her quest (buy a camera or be able to remove skirts) is also not cleared, even though I've done both things. Is this a bug or is this supposed to happen?


can't remember how i have solved it but have having trouble on that, i would advice you on doing what you would do in the situation like legitly, have help me to some quest.

OH yes i think i remmeber maybe punishment or get changed to the gym or something like that


Assuming where you are.. so excuse if i confuse you (this is the middle of her quest)

1. Make Rachel take her shirt off in the game at the gym (will take 2 games of shirts v skins)

2. Give her public punishment (NOT private) after school (catch her napping or ask a hard question) this will make her take her shirt off in your office

3. Purchase cat ears

4. Punish her again (private this time) -> do confidence building exercise

5. Spy on her room 

6. Reception scene -> teach her a lesson

7. Strip to underwear rule

8. Punish her again -> do a test of confidence

9. Spy on shower that night

10. Thursday afternoongym class (football)

11. Punish her again -> special homework assignment

12 . visit her room at night

13. teach a class (notice rachel is bright eyed) - > Lewd DLC auto unlock

14. spy on her room - distract and distract again -> reception auto unlocked -> teach her a lesson - > wait for someone else to find her  (sally inserts butt plug)

15.  Teach a class -> Rachel will come to you in the afternoon

16, teach a class -. ask a question -> Private punishment-> Choose Headmaster as the disciplinarian after over the table spanking.. lay her over your lap, rub her P***y ant use the new position. - > Give promotion

Rachel is now your PET!

Had to go back to an old save and replay the quest.. Hope this helps!

(1 edit)

My issue is on on 2nd step of your instructions. I have the Strip to underwear rule already enacted, along with a bunch of other rules since I'm pretty late into chapter 2, but everytime I give Rachel a public punishment, nothing happens. I read in a walkthrough that you're given the chance of complimenting her body, but I'm never given that chance. Because of this, I can never even get to the cat ears part.

So what happens when you give her public punishment? does she not change into the shirt in your office?

I found out the issue. Turns out the option to compliment Rachel during the public punishment is only triggered after changing in the locker room with her (again?). I don’t know if that was said in dialogue anywhere but there’s no indication that I had to do that.

oh great! glad you found the issue! now enjoy the fruits.. :)

my issue is that I can't full the punishment bars so I can't assign her a role. I tried to find a shirt vs non in gym but I couldn't find that situation so I guess I did that before.can somebody help me?(I have all of the rules)

could u find to solve it?!! pls tell cause i same issues


Me too, how to u can pass it?

Can you tell me about the part 6 the reception scene? I think im already at part 9 but i dont think i have gone through part 6 yet

My problem is the very first step, i got the first shirt vs skins game done but cant for the life of me get the second to trigger

does it have to be a certain day or something?


still an amazing game months later. And updates are here now I think so I will have fun playing it over again.

Is there a walkthrough for this game? I've seen some people mention a walkthrough. I just wanna make sure I don't miss any scenes without having to resort to the cheat menu.

Best way to check if you've missed anything is by going to the Event log (top right on main map). Any events you haven't seen will be shown as Locked. Click the locked event to get a hint on how to see it.

(2 edits) (+4)

Great game.  Some witty dialogue (careful not to page through the conversations too fast or you may miss it).  Inventive and diverse story line to keep you interested.  Progress is accomplishment based, but isn't made so difficult that you lose interest.   Likely the best game I've found on this site.  The only downside is like most games in this genre on this site (all that I've tried) it is not complete.

This game Is best i like it .And im in end XD Don't know when the next update will be? Thanks

(2 edits) (+1)

One reply I got was that Patreon members will get it in 2 months or so, maybe 4 for GA.. The wait is killing me... I restarted the game .. should keep me busy for a week or so :)

weird bug?  Got to a point where i wanted to do it differently so i tried to start over.  A new game.   Seems some game flags dont reset.  not to spoil anything but options relating to science are missing so i cant progress. -also...any cheat codes so i dont need to grind (phrasing) again.  ;)

(1 edit) (+2)

You can press "ctrl" to rush through...

 all stats can be modified using simple 'stat = XXX'  on the config console (shift + o)

like money = 100000

Hope this helps

(1 edit)

Thanks ;) I'll keep that in my little black bag till I need it :) do you get the keyboard to pop up on a tablet in game?


There is an in game cheat menu. No need to type anything. Just push the big red button in the event log three times. 


Learnt something new today!! Just like in my 2nd run I learned about the meaning of your pseudonyms! (Didn't hit the drama class till chapter 2 in the first run)... @altosandherdone... may I once again say you guys ROCK!!! More power to your magic creating fingers! Keep the updates coming please!

(1 edit)

never even knew.  tx :)

Having trouble leveling girls up! I've bought the ointment, paddle and camera but I can't seem to find the right combo to max out Rachael or any of the other girls yet.


When Rachel is at level 1 

Remove her clothing & skirt. 

Position her bent over the desk and do a hand spanking and ruler spanking. Position her over Miss Newman’s knee and apply the ointment, spank her and massage her buttocks. You will then get a message saying that you have raised her to the next level (level 2). 

Assuming you have passed the skirt rule

Ah i still gotta get that rule changed. Thanks


Anytime...Any friend of SLAG is welcome with me 😂😂


I have played maybe about 50 renpy games now. THERE IS NO BETTER GAME THAN THIS! Just the thought that has gone in this is amazing!!

 I LOVE the fact that you get to think a little and do stuff that is so well integrated with the story line, and does not just look stupid! Its not so easy that it does not give you a sense of accomplishment and not so tough that it is off putting. its just.. PERFECT!

I completed the game with everything accomplished about 2 weeks ago, and have many new ones downloaded, but I keep going back to it at least once a day to run another week of  mundane and sexy tasks... just cant hold back.. there are so many options!

I just cannot wait for the next update. I hope its substantial and worth the wait!

Here are few SUGGESTIONS for the future storyline

1. Liz is just too hot to not have a major role going forward. maybe there can be stronger punishments where she (and others) lose clothing privileges for longer periods of time. say a day without clothes.... 

2. Maybe include body worship as a punishment type (private) where the girls need to worship Ms. Newman (+ humiliation) ( I am thinking watersports, armpit worship etc)

3. Ms. Newman's aerobics class and Ms. Potts' (ahhh.. I love Ms. Potts) drama class are good opportunities for girls to be naked during punishment

4. Ms. Star should help break Nurse Kate's shell and also maybe Anna Dixon...Jane's suffering also needs a cure..or corruption :)

5. I know after school staff training is coming..maybe the staff can be punished too..would love for Ms. Chang and Ms. Potts to lay across Ms. Newman's lap!

6.  Debbie should be allowed to bring a proxy for the BJs, someone she can punish during the activity

7. Debbie and Ms. Newman can also travel to other facilities to train the trainers!

8. Make all the options (like the special ones for Amy and Rachel) available to all the girls (and staff)

9. Maybe (and this is subject to your discretion), enroll a tTrans /Futa girl for a limited period just to cause some chaos and fun (maybe (s)he needs to be always accompanied by an escort (say Alice)

10, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add more random scenes for the nightly peaking sessions and Apartment sessions.... not just triggered by special events also

I have many more, but i think its time to play the game from the top once again


100% agree with everything that you said (especially your affection for Ms. Potts and Liz, and everything that you said in #4)!

I'm in my mid-thirties and have played a lot of adult games, but this one is by far the best I've experienced.

The only thing I would add to your suggestions is more stuff for Rachel...she is such an adorable P.E.T.! 😊 Also, (this may not be for everyone 'cause I believe she is the oldest character in the game..) more stuff with Ruth - I really wanna see that religious prude corrupted! 😅


Yeah Ruth needs to be broken 100%.. ..I think the ideal future for her to be a vicious and lustful disciplinarian to the girls (whom she claims to care about) and a sex slave to HM and Debbie, A Super psychologist like HM should break her down piece by piece... 

Fun side note: The oldest character is actually Ms. Chang :)

Damn, forgot about that anti-aging shit she invented! 🤦‍♂️😅


Dear community, I must admit that I'm really addicted to this game and don't miss any opportunity to play thiss game.

I had a look at the walkthrough and try to unlock all scenes. I have found that I missed something with Mr Wilson. I took the pictures of Priti and decided to show them to him some times ago. Now I'm discovering that I could have avoid this and gave him a prostitute and buy viagra pills to satisfy him. How can I go through this possibility now ? Today, I'm far beyond and would like to avoid going back up there only to see these scenes...

Thanks for your help


Ya right, you must buy cheap viagra then give him, and visit his apartement..

Just press "Dont Touch this Button" many times to unlock cheat.. There is menu to unlock story that you missed..

Thanks I will try the "cheat" button, I just wanted to avoid it... :)

Yes, there is an option in the cheat menu to reset that quest (you can still take the pictures of Priti and then keep them for yourself), or you can just immediately trigger the prostitute's (named Candy) visit.

Thanks I will try the "cheat" button, I just wanted to avoid it... :)

use  the phone in the office =)

This possibility is not offered any more now...

Damn seriously  =(

Not gonna lie, when I saw this still locked for me in the Replay Menu, and saw the hint suggesting at "cheap Viagra pills" I was secretly hoping that these would kill Mr. Wilson (obviously bringing in a new, more corruptable, teacher to replace him), but sadly...😅


How do you download this  to the newest version and keep your previous save? Or does it just do that on its own

I have been said that it could be automatic, but did not tested it yet

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

Excellent writing in this game/VN! Also very relatable to me, as I'm approx of the protagonist's age and worked in several schools and universities. After playing for some 5-6 hours I suddenly understood that this not as much a porn game but rather a game about relationships, mostly likely written by a female writer (or at least with female devs on the team). It also does a great job showing how hellish it actually is for a male to work in a fully- or almost fully-female collective. All the politics, and balancing things like "popularity", "discipline" and "grades", and the mediocrity and the small scale of it all. Normally, all this is female stuff and bores/annoys men to death. Think Walter White in his chemistry teacher job after founding 2.1bln-worth Gray Matter. The superb, mature and smart writing of this game helps you get thru this hell. I wish they could get awards for this game. This is truly a rare case when I actually thoroughly enjoyed reading in-game texts!

If you like your headmaster to have exactly your age: In the "cheat"-editor (press red button three times, later you can use shift-o) enter:


or whatever - but it has to be a string (in "), not a plain integer.

amy.age = "104" etc. should also work 

also interesting:


or any other name...

This games its awesome! btw guys its there a way to increase horniness faster?


there is a way but its on a cheat menu (on the replay menu DO NOT PRESS button)

Deleted 87 days ago

Click on 'Replay Menu'(top, right-hand corner of the main map area)

Click the 'Do NOT Click Me' button 3(three) times, despite the WARNINGS it will give you.

Boom! Cheat codes. 😊


in the headmanster's pet quest, how can we purchase a digitale camera ? I've tryed 3 time all ready and never found how.

by the way this game is fantastique!! love it <3

From the computer in your office


I've done that but it won't cheque the line in the quest

The camera is bought on the computer for $2,000 and should arrive the next day.  After that, just call Priti to the office.

This is not for the Priti quest but for the Rachelle one.

(1 edit)

I think this is just a bug; I've now fully completed the available questline for Rachel...but that one quest still doesn't register as 'COMPLETE'..🤷‍♂️ Slightly annoying, but not game-breaking or anything. Hope this helps. 😊👍

ok thank you i was just afraid of missing something. Again well done for this game.


When is the Christmas episode gonna be released?? 


it already has been


it just costs you


the patron says it will be realised to public on the 2nd but it hasn’t been realised so I was just wondering if any knew anything more


it has ive played it


Created this account just to leave this review developer you have truly outdone yourself this is one of if not the most impressive games on this website, please thought would like more scenes of Mary and Louise next update. :)


Ya exactly the same.. I created this account since last year, and always waiting for update..

Its totally amazing game, so fun and addicted.. Super rich story, but the text not too long (to the point)..

The game log, hint, cheat, ect, easy to find & understand..


Repeatable content, at least more of it, would be a welcome addition.  Many scenes require the replay function, leaving you with an MC that can only grind when you are at the end of the current version's content.


One of the best examples “every villain is a hero in their own eyes”. 

The writing is superb and balances humor, sincerity, and absurdity while maintaining the ability for the player to choose the path they want to go down. 

This game has some of the best character development out there and the player finds themselves actually caring about the students and wanting to help them in the main character’s bizarre fashion. 

A little more freedom and less repetitive encounters would be nice but that requires a lot more time to implement. 

Eagerly looking forward to see where the story goes and learn more about the characters. I find myself wanting to help with the coding and animation just to help the developer finish this story. 


Agree i was go full hating on debbie the cause being hom is one thing but try to push people themself into people is wrong, and well the fact that she was hating me was helping me  too =)

But then i have start thinking that she could be useful and now i hope in the next upd i will be abble to have a relationship with her  king of role model/superior with benefit lol =)

and yep agree they are lot of interessing plot, and charachter =)

But won't talk too much to not spoil =)

Just would resume that as it's a P game that you can play like a real one and not just fap as some , like fap some time, laught damn hard and have very satisfactory moment (thank debbie lol  yep she great once she start behaving =) and just have some nice time start to gegnuly care about thoose student =)

Also sorry my english is shit  =(


Absolutely agree. All characters are very "alive" with theyr own attitude, problems and motivation. And there realy is good story line. You realy can find yourself playing this game not because you want to fap, but because you want to go through the story, to know all characters better, undarstand them and to find a way to get closer to them. You see not just a "painted dolls to play with", you start to like "you students" and care about them. Im impresed by the quality of this game.

That the difficult part about h game, not to much are abble to reach that point where it's become a "game" in all way, damn right those student are damn interessing but sadly not much are in their i would say "near finish state", like debbie, rachel, ...   wich sometime make it strange when for the advanced one you see clearly the change in the character =) ='(,

well if you have like this one i highly advice you to try harem hotel, very nice and in beta since some time so should have a up in some time =)

A lot of charachter and story and a nice animation and charachter design =)


Will the Christmas special be released for non-patrons at some point?

it will be in version 0.10. I think as unlockable bonuses in the replay menu.

My English is not well.I don't know whether i can explain my confuse.

I really like this game,but i got a mistake when i click the task icon.The game can go if i don't click the icon.

I had use the same save file in Android and PC(both Android&PC was download from here),but it was the same result.


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/monday.rpy", line 896, in <module>

  File "game/infoscreen.rpy", line 328, in execute

  File "game/infoscreen.rpy", line 328, in execute

  File "game/infoscreen.rpy", line 405, in execute

NameError: name 'pic' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "monday.rpyc", line 5040, in script call

  File "monday.rpyc", line 3037, in script call

  File "monday.rpyc", line 3550, in script call

  File "monday.rpyc", line 4404, in script call

  File "monday.rpyc", line 4977, in script call

  File "monday.rpyc", line 1106, in script call

  File "monday.rpyc", line 4529, in script call

  File "monday.rpyc", line 5164, in script call

  File "monday.rpyc", line 1106, in script call

  File "monday.rpyc", line 3550, in script call

  File "monday.rpyc", line 4341, in script call

  File "monday.rpyc", line 1927, in script call

  File "monday.rpyc", line 2494, in script call

  File "monday.rpyc", line 2792, in script call

  File "monday.rpyc", line 2792, in script call

  File "monday.rpyc", line 3550, in script call

  File "monday.rpyc", line 4404, in script call

  File "monday.rpyc", line 348, in script call

  File "monday.rpyc", line 1106, in script call

  File "monday.rpyc", line 1106, in script call

  File "monday.rpyc", line 2792, in script call

  File "monday.rpyc", line 5040, in script call

  File "monday.rpyc", line 4977, in script call

  File "monday.rpyc", line 896, in script

  File "renpy/", line 914, in execute

  File "renpy/", line 2028, in py_exec_bytecode

  File "game/monday.rpy", line 896, in <module>

  File "renpy/", line 1480, in pause

  File "renpy/", line 297, in interact

  File "renpy/display/", line 2702, in interact

  File "renpy/display/", line 3094, in interact_core

  File "renpy/display/", line 541, in visit_all

  File "renpy/display/", line 541, in visit_all

  File "renpy/display/", line 541, in visit_all

  File "renpy/display/", line 430, in visit_all

  File "renpy/display/", line 3094, in <lambda>

  File "renpy/display/", line 440, in per_interact

  File "renpy/display/", line 625, in update

  File "game/infoscreen.rpy", line 328, in execute

  File "game/infoscreen.rpy", line 328, in execute

  File "game/infoscreen.rpy", line 405, in execute

  File "<screen language>", line 405, in <module>

NameError: name 'pic' is not defined


got the same error on trying to advance in the story of a game like that =(, can't help but i think i have seen someone talk about how make it work in this disc

someone said just restart whole game and continue the story for days then it will be ok,but i didn't make it success.

Is there a compressed version for Android?

Whats available here for the Android is the compressed version.  Any more and it is likely to degrade image quality.

The mobile version is already cut 2 gigabytes.

And also, I would like to know if you have also equivalent games which we could buy ?

sadly not i'mean most company try to get rid of anything who look like a p game nowaday but if you go on patreon for 5$ month you can have the next update 1 month sooner

well after on this website they are some who look like this one a litle, but not worth it right now, like the one who was looking the most in term of story, finsih it in less than 1 hour cause 1 vers

after i would advice you to try on the best ranked of the related game of the site(chek the right side of the website =)

oh remember a great one =)

HOTEL HAREM on this website also =)

really nice won'tv spoil anything but worth it in term of content, durabilty, freedom, and good evolution of character, and graph, as best as this game in my opinion =)

they are some who are less good (in my oppinion)

like mystic mannor, and more like that but well try them you will see

Thanks a lot for the feedback

I will try them :-)

Dear developers, your game is simply a piece of art !! 

Story is really captivating and pictures wonderful. I really love your game !!

But, I have a technical question: I play your game on a Mac and I fear I will loose my saved game when I will do your next update (which hope will come soon :) ) What shall I do to keep my saved game ?

Thanks for your support

If you get to the download page, they have a note there. It says:

"Windows and Mac users: Saves for the previous version will transfer automatically when you open the latest version."

So if you download and install the new version it'll simply update your files and your save should be intact. 

Hope that helped. 😊💙

Thanks for the feedback ! Did not see the post before, thanks.

Hope this will work as last time I made an update on such kind of game, I lost my previous saved files :)


I made an account to type this. This game has actually great writing, storytelling, and gameplay. Its clear that you guys knew what you wanted to make in a way. Definitely looking forward to the next chapters. A spicy game like with that has actual quality. Nice


OUTSTANDING GAME! perfect balance of strategy, visuals and  actions!! 

I completed all the quests. I just wish Liz got the PET role. she is so much hotter!!:) 

Look forward to after school shenanigans with AMy, Debbie, and miss Potts..Aaaaah.. the lovely miss Potts!

Any ETA on chapter 3?


Thank you. Version 0.10 is in development. Probably a couple of months until the beta is released on Patreon, a few months before it's posted here.

Love love love the game.... waiting for chapter 3!1


I see a picture of Lucy in the nurse's outfit getting spanked, but I can't figure out how to trigger that interaction. Any hints?

"Uniform inspection"😂

Love the guys witty personality. How do you gain influence more?


Quick one. I see a pic on the right with Sally in the shower is that possible in this version of the game or a coming update? I think I completed everything but never seen that. 

Yes. You've got to catch her showering in the men's locker room on a weekday afternoon (Thursday, I think), but you need to have returned her keys and made Debbie your Prefect for this scene to trigger.

Is the public version the same as the Patreon?

This game is amazing and I am curious if I need to go ahead and become a Patreon for a fuller version of the game. 


Thank you. Currently, the public version is the latest one. A new Patreon only beta will be out in a couple of months. Then that will be made public about 5 weeks after that.


I will be joining for sure. As I said amazing game. 

Quick one. I see a pic on the right with Sally in the shower is that possible in this version of the game or a coming update? I think I completed everything but never seen that. 

Its possible.  Teach sports class on Thursday. It'll happen after, assuming all the right conditions are met.

My Hero. Now I have completed everything . What a great game. Can not wait for future updates.

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