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Fantastic game. I’m not really into Spanking or humiliation, etc, but this one keeps me entertained.

The characters are great - nice range of upper body sizes (love Rachel!). Great use of Sally and her advancement. Some fun hints at upcoming (or locked) things - like the Dog fetching stuff?

Will be keeping my eyes on here for the next part - with baited breath.


Does anyone know how I do the mission "find a reason to make Rachel take off her shirt in front of the other girls during a sports class" I've been on this mission for a while now and nothing happens

Do Football coaching until you need to discipline Alice - make her take off her Bra. A few lessons later her whole team will need to be topless - including Rachel. You will probably have to do the football stuff a few times to get it to that point - but it’s worth it!

any way to get a alternat download for windows it keeps crashing cuz its to big thanks 


Android pls

What is the minimum reqs for MAC? Bc im having trouble ziping it. It says "Error 1 - operation not permitted" but it doesnt say that to any of the other games i downloaded on this site. Any ways to fix this or is my mac to old.

Nothing to do with mac or pc, your archive seems somehow damaged. You should download it again.


This is the best writing I have ever seen. I can feel the character's emotions even though their words are only delivered by text and still pictures. The story is complex and everything just works together. 

(1 edit) (-1)

the Wednesday afternoon sports event in "Sally learns the ropes" doesnt trigger

Solved - just has a lot of prerequisites and triggers very late in the game

Can you please tell me when does it triggers because i am stuck at it

You have to complete the Headmasters pet  and the Priti  Questline - for me it started after the Fundraiser, as I said, quite late in the game.


JoiPlay seems to be gone from gps. what are we doin on android? 

Deleted 290 days ago






Hello there!!!

First off, Big fan, LOVE the game - Spectacular work! Thank you so much for this brilliant game mate :)

I just downloaded the latest update, but noticed there is NO walkthrough guide in the files, can you please tell me how can i find the latest guide?? (link if possible).

Please and thank you!

Can't speak for the dev, but probably because the walkthrough is 450+ pages, not six. The dev links to one (hyperlink in dev's eighth post down) or just google the game name and walkthrough. 


how do i advance in amys quest? ive been patroling the halls non stop and i never seem to find her. help pls?

Deleted post

Given that the the few other male characters have names like Pull My Cock, start drinking at 9AM, or are too far past prime to participate, I think it very unlikely.

That said, if it was me planning, I'd consider Sarah and Rose cut-scenes just to mess with you. 

Deleted post

i'm stuck on "convincing ruth" quest. is there a bug or somethin and how to solve it?

You need to go check on the janitor, he'll take you to where the former headmaster died where you find a wallet with the key to the safe, then you get incriminating pictures of her. Then talk to here in the staff room in the office.


does the game have Chinese?

How on earth do we get horniness up? 

you can always use the cheat 

How canvi play on Android


New update for Nurse and Ruth when? 

When is the next update


love this game


we need chinese

Hi guys! How to level up Rachel to level 8?  I confused to choose what punishment to max her pain, humiliation, and pleasure. Help please!

Nvm, i know it. 16/16 Humiliation, 8/9 Pain, 4/9 Pleasure and 1 AP left for dildo


any chance for a female headmaster mode?


I have been trying everything suggested by previous commentors, but for the life of me i cannot advance Harriets storyline. I can neither level up Rachel, nor even see her quest. Please, somebody help me.

Wich part are you stuck consider, Rachel, dont neeed to say "ready to level Up" but you can still level up, maybe that helps


Anyone else having the problem where the game won't launch? I'm using 1.15.3 and whenever I try to launch the game the window pops up for a few seconds the closes itself.

Can anyone please tell me how to find Harriet whilst patrolling the halls??

Hard to tell from the question. Assuming from description that you already caught Charlotte smoking twice. If you have not overheard Harriet in Cafeteria, do that (means you have to open it if you haven't yet). To make her next patrol event appear, you need to have topless punishment passed already.

If you mean where do you find her after all the patrols, she's in the gym Monday and Friday afternoons. You will need Rachel with you as Pet and full body search rule passed for that.


I love this game amazing! When will we get an update to progress the story to the exam and 3D printer 2nd date with secretary ect.?

For me, a fan of spanking content, this is undoubtedly a masterpiece and a feast. The author uses his talent to create a story that is reasonable, layered and climaxing. The brilliance of this visual novel allowed me to overcome difficulties to read a language I am not familiar with. I experienced days of total immersion in the game. Thank you for your talent, thank you for your dedication, and hope you continue to create this masterpiece.

(1 edit)

[Resolved -- thanks quikbrnfox!]  Erm, I ran into what seems to be a game-ending bug: it seems if you don't progress Ruth's story before some of the other characters, the proposal for 'punishing the girls yourself' disappears mysteriously from the voting agenda, to be replaced by the follow-on 'force stripping to underwear', which cannot be voted on without the other proposal being passed.  Not sure exactly where the tangle happened, but I can't progress any further as a result -- we just sit at the weekly meeting and stare at each other to no purpose, so I suppose I'll just have to start over...  and I almost had my favorite, the cute lil' kittycat Rachel, up to level 5, too!  Can this problem be fixed??  Thanks!


My thanks to quikbrnfox!  As it turns out, there can be a page two for proposals: it's an unmarked arrow at the very bottom of the page: "==>", so keep an eye out for it if you're having trouble.  Fun game so far!

No prob.


Will there be impreg?

When playing !righteous! path I feel guilty to be forced to steal Priti password for be able to go on... 

Feels strange that you need 4 influence to do any meeting agenda. After the first round of quests, you think you would be able to get one basic agenda change.

Presumably, the idea is to engage with all four staff members.


how do I enlist the nurses help I have gone to the nurse office at every time in the day on every weekday I feel like. do I go somewhere else or am I just not going at the right time?

The quest log is a bit misleading there. You actually need to advance Amy's quest line, then the nurse will come talk to you.


i can't progress amy because i cant buy the chastity thing and im stuck, any tips?

Would you consider splitting images.rpa into two different files? I can't extract it because the file is too big.


I love the game! Amazing will we get more updates soon for second date with secretary and also 3D printer and more please! 

I'm stuck on the price and principle quest.

I have to be watching porn when maxine comes in, but I don't know how to pass time watching porn?


so to watch porn go in office and do paperwork you will have the choice to watch porn instead

I've seen mention of a discipline option to have the girl straddle the headmaster. I don't get this, even though I'm near the end of current content. How do I unlock that position?

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