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let me just say you my friend are a beautiful human thank you for this is had a great time playing this i now just gotta wait till next update my grade right now is 159 and dis is at 139 funniest and best vn ive played

So I was wondering if anyone knows where my saves are on Android (have a file explorer app) as I'm moving to a new phone and it didn't copy the saves over automatically.

Android save file location: android/data/altosandherdone.theheadmaster/files/saves

Thanks, anyway to pin this those others don't have tonask as well?

(2 edits)

Hi Althos, hi Herdone,

after some self ordered restrain I want to compliment you for your Halloween add on. It was a nice little extra with a great animation of the star of the coming update (and my favorite girl, I guess), Priti Amin.

I wonder, how long do you need to create/write/program such an update? More than one week? Two? And your animations are getting better and better. Experience seems to be the key.

Another observation: It always improve the feeling for the game if your protagonists refer to things from the past, for example, when Priti spit out that "her vagina is beautiful and she is very proud of her", an experience from the ending of chapter 1, of course. Her practice punishment intrude deep into her subconsciousness and in her drunken state she refered to it. I really love little things like that, which make everything very real. To watch our heros change during their journey is always one of the best things of every story, at least for me, and I cant wait for update 0.12.

Kind regards


Hi Dreamavoider. Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed the special. It took me a week to write and a week to make all the images and animations. Although, I also spent a few evenings and a Sunday morning or two picking out the costumes and doing some of the storyboarding and generally coming up with all the ideas. So it's difficult to say exactly how much time I spent on it. I was also working flat out for the week I put all the images together and gave myself an RSI in my mouse hand, so such a pace of development isn't sustainable long term. 

I switched to a new way of making animations last year and I'm gradually improving with the technique. The animations for the upcoming version 0.12 are leagues ahead of anything I used to be able to make. I think people are going to be quite impressed with the improvements.

(7 edits)

Hi Althos,

firstly, I feel honored for this direct answer.

Sometimes I am afraid that I annoy you with all my positive babbling or that the general praise goes to your head. But so far you seem to be able to stay the same.

Your animation skills, although appreciated, of course, are not the main reason why I like "The Headmaster" so much, though.

There are things like the story, the character developement, the feeling of control I can enjoy as the main honcho in a small world, where I can encounter challenges that I am able to overcome. Very much on the contrary with the problems I encounter in the real world. I never understand some comments which say that your game is "dark". The real world is much darker.

And you are even able to let your characters speak in different tongues, slangs and attitudes, which is a great part of their charm.

I think another of the reasons you put so much energy in your little extras is the possibility to expand the rules of your world to some extent. To fulfill the needs of the part of your audience who crave for more direct action. And, I guess, its a break from the usual headmaster stuff and you are able to find new energy for the normal game after this excursions.

I am happy to hear of your new skills nevertheless. Good luck in developing them further for the future.

I think I messed up I have Rachel following me around and I think it made it so I can't put Chang's potion into Sally's water bottle on Monday.

That shouldn't make a difference. Just click Sally's bag.

It's showing app not installed.

From our FAQ: Android installation doesn't work / grey screen. A few android users have reported this kind of problem. the only things that seem to resolve it are rebooting the device, waiting, and/or trying to install again. it's hard for others to figure out android issues because there are so many different devices with different memory and free space.  A few recommendations gleaned from other people's troubles:

* You should make sure you are downloading a public release from an official site, not a beta. The official ones are hosted on or (see #announcements channel for specific links). there is special compression applied to videos and images in public android releases which is not applied to beta releases

* You generally need at least 2x the installer size in free space (after you download the installer to your device) to get all the dependencies installed. some people have needed more than that free.

* if you have the option to install the game to an SD card instead of directly to the device, that has worked for some folks

* if you've never installed a ren'py game on the device before, it may take quite a while to install all the dependencies. some folks have reported needing to reboot their device and/or run the installer more than once to get around the grey screen

so um..i need help and the guides not helping im trying to bring sally her keys but everytime i talk to jimmy he always never knows where they are, im at chapter 2 at this point and not sure what to do

There are some other things you need to have seen first. Specifically stealing Sally's towel on a Monday afternoon. The headmaster gives you a hint after speaking with Jimmy.

When you're talking to Chang in week 2 at night in her classroom and ask about further history 

"I devised a formula which allowed more parts of the brain to be used simultiously." That's not a word it's simultaneously.

where can I find this 2020 xmas special

Check out the dev post talking about the xmas special above. Links and descriptions are provided in that post.

When is going to be the next update

"set a date of January 28th for the release of version 0.12 beta."

(1 edit)

I can't seem to get Amy past level 2. I've used the same sequence of punishment listed in a walkthrough for Debbie, but it always seems one pain to go, 7/8, with all the ones used. What works?

Amy hits someone in hallway. To see it you have to wander in hallway.  Then you can punish her with cane.

The actions needed are different for each girl. Check Amy's walkthrough requirements. You may need to pass new rules at the school board.

I too am having trouble with this I've spent 2 weeks in game walking the halls and still haven't seen Amy get in a fight I have no idea how to get her past level 1.

Try progressing other storylines and come back to it later. Also, read what the headmaster says at the start of the punishment, he will give hints if you are missing a required rule or item.

thanks man I figured it out and I think I'm as far as I can go just waiting for new updates and how do the updates work I play on Android so will I have to delete the game and then re-download it?

You can just install the new version over the top of the old one. However for Android, I always recommend backing up your save files first in case they get deleted.

Android save file location: android/data/altosandherdone.theheadmaster/files/saves

alright thanks man 

When you're dreaming of fucking Sarah's ass and that bitch Ruth interrupts, it's self delusion not self denial. Denial would be Not fucking her ass in your dream. Otherwise Magnificent game. Only a few errors here and there. 

Could it be that you can't spy on Cassandra while she is in debbies room?
The Quest says it should be possible, but the game says nobody is there.

I'm not aware of any such bug. Might be another quest interfering. Try looking in all the other rooms. If you're still stuck then you'll need to ask on our Discord.

Had the same issue today, and indeed this is not a bug. I was supposed to spy on Cassandra, I was redirected to Debbies room which was ... empty.

Looked at the code, I felt stupid. What happens is that dnir == True, in which case we cannot reach cass_flirt_debbie2. Because in fact she has a homework ongoing in amys room (staff_training_02).  So indeed both quest lines cannot happen in parallel. I set dnir = True to lift this temporarly.

How do I play version 0.11.1 without losing what i already have on 0.10.1?

From our FAQ: with every new update the following holds true:

 - Windows: no need to overwrite your old game, just unpack and play. saves carry over automatically

 - Mac: You may need to follow these steps:, saves carry over just like windows.

 - Android: secure your saves to a different location so you won't lose them, uninstall the old version of the game then install the update. lastly move your saves back. if you're installing for the first time, make sure you have enough free space. Android save file location: android/data/altosandherdone.theheadmaster/files/saves

How do I get the fourth influence I need to start changing rules, I have the one from the sci teacher, 1 from Miss Potts, and 1 from the history teacher

You can get multiple influence points from each teacher. Just follow the staff quest logs. Also be sure to punish Debbie and get points from Miss Newman.

Someone know why i cant have more that 50 grades and discipline? :c

The stats are locked at 50 until you reach chapter 2. Just follow the main quests.

Ruth is pain in the ass, thanks for the answer :D

I played for a while and still cant talk to Ruth and when i go to a lake at weekend groundskeeper just sleep and i dont know how to move forward :c Only staff mission expect Ruth i have is "Wait for Miss Chang to ask for futher assistance." but i nothing is happenig. Idk did i miss something or what :'c

The best place to ask these questions is over on our Discord. A lot of these questions are answered in the FAQ and there is a walkthrough posted there as well. If your still stuck then someone can answer your questions. 

Also, be sure to read the deleted files in the recycle bin of the headmasters computer.

Talk to the groundskeeper in the morning on a weekday to initiate the former headmaster quest. Speak to Miss Chang during the evening when she is hanging out in her classroom to see if she needs anything, and if she is currently requesting a lab assistant, try checking around your office during the day to see if you can hire someone.


I really love the game, and wondering if you still working on i

Devs gave an update on Patreon about a week ago, and said the next release would be the end of January.


Awww sweet man, thanks for the info, cant wait for it

oh and to convice my pet to give me code to locker room

ye +1


great game cant wait for update and maybe get to punsh that rich bitch i so want to strip her and make her ass redfor her crape


What is this Halloween Special Update people are talking about?  How do I get it?



Thanks :D

(1 edit)

The 2021 Halloween Special is something else! Absolutely! I love how developer made the whole story around Debbie. Aaand... I gues it realy hard to be Debbie XD So many tamptations, so many reasons to forget about rules... and still she somehow manages to do the right thing. And, ofcourse, I like the reward she got after that, she realy deserved that threesome of her desires :D 

I totaly agree with Georgia-Man93 in the comments for special - she could become a realy cool headmistress and that could be great to see someday a sequel of this game with Debbie as MC in other private school ;)

Thank you Altos&Herdone for this fun event! :)

(1 edit)

Wish you guys have compressed file version..

It's already exceed 4Gb..

Bet it might reach 9GB when finish 😓

Really like this game but if to big,it will be impossible to me for download it 😓


Are you ever updating this again ?

(3 edits) (+4)(-1)

As Althos told us - and more than one time - he is working on a bigger update for version 0.12; it will be ready in one or two, maybe three months.

In addition there was a halloween update two weeks ago.

Sometimes it helps to read stuff, you know? It clearly avoids asking questions that have already been answered.


Maybe next time you could word things a bit better? Most of the time simply politely pointing people towards the dev's patreon page is more than enough. 

Helping people without treating them poorly is a good way to help out, but treating them poorly may drive away people that potentially want to help support the game themselves. Even unintentional toxicity can potentially ruin a games image, leading to the game being abandoned. I don't want that to happen with this game, so please be a bit more diplomatic if you're going to attempt to help people, please?


Agreed. Most don't search other places for information that much. People browsing here always expect that every updates are shown in this site and its perfectly normal


Next Update is planned for January 28th. It seems to take a lot of work since there is much content. Source > Patreon Page


lol calm down buddy, you may have time to read through pages of comments but not me, I enjoy a good wank as much as the next guy but I do have a real life in the real world... you should probably get help if as a 3rd party someone asking someone else a question actually stirred annoyance in you... noone asked you in the first place you loser fuck off 😂


Please calm down everyone. I've banned Donox from this forum for his rude language. There's no need for it. Dreamavoider, I appreciate you sticking up for me, although I recommend just ignoring the trolls.

(1 edit)

I have issues with the MacOS version 0.11.1Public-mac

When starting it gets me the error message:

"I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

Before loading the script.

Exception: Couldn't find file '._video.rpi'.

"", line 649, in transfn

    raise Exception("Couldn't find file '%s'." % name)

Exception: Couldn't find file '._video.rpi'.

what is it supposed to be?

Did you extract all the files before trying to run the game?

i extracted the zip and got

To be honest I'm not sure what would cause that. A quick search on google suggests redownloading and trying again might work.


as a solution for a similar problem i downloaded the itch app and installed it from there, so now it starts (even standalone it's working now)

Works for me on an M1, I haven't seen that error?

Love the game. There really is a lot of content already and I love the intertwining and intersecting story lines. I did encounter some soft locks. I think it's possible to miss the event early on that allows you buy the cream - I think it's a spying event that might disappear or get overridden if you don't act on it fast enough. It locks you out of two characters' progression.

(1 edit)

I'm not sure how you got into that situation. You can always add the ointment with the console. Press shift and o. Then type the following and press enter.

have_ointment = True

how can fix the swimming pool? i can't find a way to open a swimming pool


Opening the swimming pool takes a lot of time and patience, its unlocked late in the current story, and costs quite a bit of money.

(1 edit)

can i ask 1 more? how can go in the Dorms thanks


i think is not possible in this version :/


This version entering the dorms is not available. Doing so requires a rule change that has not yet made it into the game.


This game is sooooo amazing.Can't wait for the update

how can i install it?


Just download zip, unpack whole folder wherever you want and double click on TheHedmaster.exe

have fun ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


When is the next update?


I really have to applaud the creators. This game is too effing amazing

I'm the only one who didn't get the oil for +2 pleasure ? I can't even move on because of that.

It seems so.


You get the oil in Rachel's storyline by spying on her room after punishing her in your office.


Great game.

Keep up the good work.


sooo....we gonna get a new version soon? cause this is just sitting on my computer begging for new content


The dev's patreon page has listed a halloween event update scheduled for release soon. I don't know the details as I am not a patron, and the post is locked behind a patron only tag, but the post was created on Oct. 24.


If I recall correctly there's supposed to be a public release this month sometime.


The next update is going to be bigger than usual so it's taking longer. It's still 2 to 3 months away. I just released a short but sweet Halloween update to tide people over, which is out now on our Patreon and is well worth a playthrough.

Will updates affect current progress in the game or can updates be installed and maintain the current level/achievements?

Old saves will be compatible with the new version.


this game is amazing ive been playing it for a while now and i was just wondering are any other kinks  and themes going to be explored  because i personally really enjoyed the tickle scene in he game and would love to see some foot stuff

(not trying to push i would just like to know if anything like that is on the roadmap


I picked this game up about a week or so ago looking and reading the concept and thinking it to be a very interesting game, I played others like this before and though most of them honestly were very lackluster or just simply died in the process of them being build. However I honestly really do got to say that i fallen in love with this game inparticular especially with the characters themselves. So many of them are so well written and so well thought out and you can clearly honestly see the way they develop as you begin your training and working on them. Rachel in particular is honestly my favorite thus far and I do hope that once these character's stories finish getting developed that we would be able to see them still going around interacting and getting little updates on how they interact when you develop other girl's stories. Like for obvious reasons having Debbie popping in and out in interactions where you would probably be given the choice to stop another student from bullying or harming another but if you end up getting Debbie to her Specific Role then Debbie now pops in and you get to just sit back and relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Development does seem to be pretty slow but honestly compared to other games and devs that I seen in the past it does really seem like you aren't just twiddling your thumbs in the background waiting months to do another 0.0.1 that has like 5 words added. Your updates actually have not only mass in them but quality. I haven't ran into a single bug nor have I really run into any typos honestly, everything has been completely smooth no crashes no grafical errors no options that are hidden nothing everything truly has just been smooth sailing and i really appreciate that.

Keep up the good steady work and I can't wait to see how the rest of the game plays out throughout the development


Ken Wong here

I also masturbate

best regards,
Ken Wong

who doesn't masturbate. its nature

how do i get other options for the  school board


Each rule change shows up after a specific event that you complete. Some are merely time based, and happen after so many days have passed in game. Others happen after getting rules changed so that you can proceed with specific punishments, which then triggers the new rule option.

I recommend working on all of the quests available, and if a quest cannot be progressed due to a rule not having changed yet, move on to other quests. Everything happens in due time, it might just take a while.


thanks, I see you alot you're always helping somebody lol

I try to anyways. Sometimes I can only give vague help as I don't know the full answer, but I can try to point people in the right direction.

how improve influence 


do favors for the other teachers. the science teacher is the only one that almost never goes to her apartment, the others you can go to their apartments at night to get their quests.

I have been a silent accountless reader for a while now and logged in weekly for any news on the next update and am glad to know this masterpiece is still in development please keep up the great work altosandherdone this game is brilliant simply a piece of art at least in my opinion thanks for all your work looking forward to the updates to come.

(3 edits)

Super great game. I ran into a few glitches though. Amy's final quest glitched out on me and didn't occur; Faye kept coming into the office the entire week instead for some reason even though I didn't trigger the classroom discipline event with her. Also, one of the rule changes glitched out when Rachel fell asleep on a Friday morning before the meeting and got triggered but never appeared. 

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