I have been a silent accountless reader for a while now and logged in weekly for any news on the next update and am glad to know this masterpiece is still in development please keep up the great work altosandherdone this game is brilliant simply a piece of art at least in my opinion thanks for all your work looking forward to the updates to come.
Super great game. I ran into a few glitches though. Amy's final quest glitched out on me and didn't occur; Faye kept coming into the office the entire week instead for some reason even though I didn't trigger the classroom discipline event with her. Also, one of the rule changes glitched out when Rachel fell asleep on a Friday morning before the meeting and got triggered but never appeared.
It would seem getting in the lake on Saturday mornings by convincing Amy to take her top off doesn't actually increase Popularity by 1 like it says it does.
This game is like the most perfect sick and dark AVN. It really encapsulates the feeling of enjoying the perversion but feeling guilty about it. The MC is a straight up sociopath, but you control him so what does that make you? The kind of story that could only be told properly in the form of a video game.
I'm having issues loading the game. When I first download and install, I can open the game and it runs fine. But once I close it and try to launch it again later, it just sits on a blank screen. I'm playing on an android tablet. Any suggestions
Have you checked the open apps section of your tablet to see if it is still running the black screen in the background? I had that problem with one of my old phones, it would keep a closed application running in the background and I would have to force quit the app to restart it. If you aren't sure how to get to that screen, a shut down and restart of your tablet might be in order.
That point is fairly far into the current story. There are a few things you have to do in order to progress that far. Opening the lake and then visiting it in the morning to talk to the groundskeeper, getting the groundskeeper to take you to where he found the previous headmaster, talking to the science teacher to gain access to all of the old headmaster's files on the computer. I believe there may be a few more steps, but those are the ones I remember off the top of my head.
Yes. You have to continue the quest to find out what happened to the previous headmaster. Open the lake and talk to the groundskeeper in the morning, and eventually the quest will progress. It happens after a certain point in the rest of the story, but I can't remember exactly when. Also, if you haven't already started discipline training Claire, you should start doing that as well, as there is more story that is locked behind that as well.
i lost my last save due to an accidental wipe of my computer, and was very close to finishing the game. does anyone have a copy of a nearly complete or complete playthrough of it?
I save my game after every day (unless nothing happend for a while). You can use my saves to start somewhere in between where you like or the last one where everything is unlocked except the end with enough grades.
Thanks for your saves, I meet the same situation like the Caughtdog, I,ve download the saves you provide, but how could I use the saves on my computer? I can't find the right files directory on my computer, the PC which runs the Windows 10 OS. Could you help me, thanks a lot.
Thanks a lot, I've reload the playthrough where when I lost before; by the way I find the same saves can work in Android well just like Windows, I could play it on all my device by synchronizing the "saves" folder. Thanks again.
The more discipline you apply publicly, the higher your discipline rating. Explore everywhere every time you can, it's not uncommon to find situations in the halls and gym entrance that can be used to increase discipline. Also watch out for situations that can increase your popularity at the cost of discipline. Sure, the increased popularity might seem nice, but not at the cost of discipline that sometimes accompanies it, such as walking around on the weekends and not telling the girls to keep the volume down on the music. Once your discipline gets high enough, you can go back to working on popularity, as you should already have enough discipline to unlock new rules, which in turn grants more discipline points.
Buying certain items to make punishments easier. Or look in the quest log for specific personal goals for a girl. Filling all bars in a corporal punishment will level her up.
Coding isn't really the time consuming part, it's the rendering and storyboarding. Some of the renders that I've done in the past took quite a while, even with multiple computers acting as a render farm in order to speed up the process.
Given that each update has as many words of dialogue as a short novel, plus a thousand or so new images and dozens of animations all made by one person. I really don't think you could do it any quicker. It takes probably 10-12 hours work for me for every minute of gameplay. Animations take even longer. The amount of work that goes into making something like this is insane. I'm working hard on the next update but it's still a couple of months away. That's just the way it is. Complaining here won't make the update come any faster.
Exactly my point. I've done renders that even utilizing a render farm took over 6 hours for one render. Granted those were much more detailed than what you have in your game, but I was also utilizing probably $50,000 USD worth of computers for a single render. I very much doubt you have that amount of computing power at your disposal. Assuming your have a similar amount of processing power available as I currently have, I wouldn't be surprised if a single render for an animation sequence took you between 6 and 7 hours with your current models, barring any inconsistencies in the final product.
The writing is something that I don't have any comparable experience with, as I am not a writer myself. However, I wouldn't be surprised at all if just the writing portion itself takes roughly a month or two to finish by itself.
People just need to learn to be patient. A finished product can only be as good as the amount of time spent creating it allows, and you can't rush things like this. Keep up the good work altosandherdone, and rest assured knowing that many of the people interested in your creation are more than willing to wait for a good update rather than a shitty one.
That is what a render farm is. A render farm uses the cpu and gpu of each computer in the farm to distribute the load, allowing for more rendering threads to be processed at once. An effective farm can take a project that would take a single computer 24 hours, and can cut that down to 4-5 hours depending on the processing power of each computer in the farm.
Edit: I just noticed you said supporters collective cpu's. That would be extremely expensive to do, as the bandwidth consumption would be insane. A render farm is normally multiple computers in one building (usually all in the same room) on the same LAN network so that you aren't having to send insane amounts of data through the internet. Also, the more varied the processing power of the computers in the farm, the worse of a farm it is, as the host computer has to divide up the threads to send to each computer, and multiple processing speeds would increase the host load. Too much variation in processing power can actually make the rendering process take longer. Most render farms are purpose built, with each computer built with identical specs to minimize this load.
I don't remember that particular part of the story very well, but I'll do my best to give some advice and hope it works. If you want to progress a specific girl, check every area at every opportunity. Some events trigger only on certain days of the week, at a specific time of day, while doing a specific activity. If you aren't sure about a specific event, try saving before each action for an entire week, and reloading the save if you do not get the event you are hunting for. I know it's a lot of trial and error, but for some events it's the easiest way to do it.
If you are talking about increasing a girl's level after a punishment event, save before the punishment and try various things in order to reach max on each punishment stat, reloading (or hitting the restart from beginning button) if you don't reach the stats required by the end of the punishment. Some punishment's require various things to be purchased online before you can succeed in maxing out the stats as well, so check the online shop.
I am super eager for the next update, hoping for more of Rachel and Claire mostly, even though their arcs are mostly complete. Particularly because it seems Claire's arc will also contain the Twin's arc, which I also really want.
i just realized im locked out of amys questline, i havent done her 4th questline apparently and i can get it to activate for whatever reason. theres a promt when i teach a morning class where i have to relieve her, but then after that nothing happens
To progress in Amy's path she has to go the full weeks time without any gratification whatsoever. So the first time she shows up just wanting a release then each day she starts offering things like HJ or BJ and then offers sex and so on. If you accept at any point cuz you want to view the scene then the 7 day counter starts all over. But if you hold out and refuse her each time on the next weekday morning after the full time period you will finally punish her and have anal sex with her. She will then agree to be your test training subject for others to practice on. That will happen in future updates apparently. But for now after she agrees you can summon her after school and repeat the punishments on her. There is only one more thing you can do with her in the current version after she agrees to be test subject. Once the swimming pool is built on tuesday mornings you can follow her into the girls locker room and have vag or anal sex with her.
thats great and all but i waited many weeks with only a promt in class telling me " Looks like shes suffering with those chastity panties on, dont worry amy ill make sure to do somemthing special when your punishment is over" after that i try calling her but it doesnt give me the option. i denied her relief everytime she asked and somehow i get the scenes. idk if im locked out
If you have advanced through the entire week of her being forced to wear them, she shows up the morning they are to be taken off as well. I personally selected to make her wait until after classes, at which point the punishment activated and the event was completed. I don't know if you chose to let her out early or not (I don't even remember if you can let her out of them that morning or not), but if you are stuck in a loop where you are prompted to let her out of them but are unable to, then you may indeed be bugged.
It may be bugged for you I don't know. After refusing her the final time the next day you automatically have her come after school for a private punishment. I would say don't automatically skip through days if you were and maybe don't have any other girls come after school for punishments and maybe that will trigger it for you? On my playthrough it would have fallen on a friday but cuz of the board meeting it didn't happen til monday. Also you won't get the option to summon her after school until after you've completed this and assigned her the role of test subject. So if you have the option to summon her but are still getting the chastity panties scenes it sounds like a definite bug. In that case hopefully you have a save game point from before this path that you can revert to and try again without having to play from beginning?
So I'm from America and the word slag isn't slang for anything here. after six(ish) months I finally bothered to look it up and in British terms it means "a woman who has many casual sexual encounters or relationships."
I honestly don't know what I was expecting given the context of the game. Maybe I just expected Ruth to be more socially aware of terms like that given her position or she just didn't spell it out in her head when giving the okay.
I simply don't even know where to begin. This has been, hands down on desk, the most entertaining game I have ever played in my life! There is just, it's almost impossible to organize my thoughts.
It started with what I was sure was just a delightfully funny dream sequence that would cause a "meh, and then we wake up" but it wasn't... Then I was like, "Oh, this is one of those weird worlds where this kind of thing is just par for the course and... OH MY GOD THEY ALL LOOK HORRIFIED!!!" As I continued to tap on my phone, slack jawed and sides hurting from laughter. "THIS IS AMAZING."
And the longer I played the better it got. There is nothing about this game that you won't find enjoyable. The writing and especially banter between characters is dare I say (Before EA got them) Bioware level, if not The Outer Worlds caliber. The amount of effort that had probably gone into the study of human psychology, the Headmaster actually makes some solid points most of the time.
Each and every character has their own kind of charm and unique spirit given to them; from the so adorable you just don't know what to do with her Priti, the 'Mean Girls' duo of Debbie and Samantha, and the not as innocent as it appears Lucy. To the 'Little Washu' crazy Science Teacher, the grounds keeper Jimmy (who is now exclusively voiced by Brad Pitt's character in Snatch, in my head), and the well toned hotty Amy.
I understand that there's only so much that could be done about music selection without thousands and thousands of dollars but their choices were so good. Especially the chapter 1 finally where the visitors from the other school came. I heard those drums and immediately started laughing, and once that first rise hit I was about to wet myself. Sound effects are solid but nothing to write home about. If spanking is your thing though it will get your motor running though.
Final thoughts are, I need more! While I did the free download initially my enjoyment and the laughs were worth the $50 I came back and paid. There is a little something for everyone here.
can someone tell me that what should I do for nina story.I saw her lighter and I didn't take it from her. I sentenced faye to a public punishment . after that I saw faye and nina in shower then faye asked nina to clean the marker . what should I do now?
this game has brought things out in me i did not know i had...... and am both excited and fearful of what's to come. its incredibly funny and well scripted and the freedom is amazing. all in all when i finally am a little more stable with money i will definitely drop a donation on this masterpiece lol
Ages upon ages ago (a year ago, literally) I said I'd donate to this game because of the sheer enjoyment and entertainment I got out of the writing, and today I make good on that promise. I've come back to this game like 3 times through your updates and I think I laugh more each time.
I can't tell if your talking about the game or the uprising. I mean both are legit claims. But if it's the former I am legit wondering where you thought this game was going after the prologue.
So, my first thought when I saw this game was that it was just about sexy punishments and 'educational' BDSM. I didn't think it was going to be entertaining or that the story would be as interesting when the protagonist is a thirty-something headmaster.
Imagine my surprise when I opened up the game and my first objective was to raise the school's grades and discipline as well as form business relations with my on-site staff. Now, I've been in business and know what the experience is like compared to the pathetic dialogue certain movies and games explain it to be. I was completely immersed in the act of 'working' in this game, getting to know my students on a personal level (even spying on them as they showered *nudge nudge*). The duties and roles this game expected me to achieve was absolutely realistic, the views of the headmaster made sense on more than one occasion, and I even found myself changing my perception on certain topics as I went through the motions of disciplining every hot bodied chick in this goddamn school.
Okay... my serious reviewing aside that makes me seem like some forty-year-old perv...
This game turned out to be better than I ever anticipated! The mechanics were suave, I loved the daily run around and don't get me started on those awesome H-scenes. I swear, this is even better than watching a decent hentai when your second brain is awake.
The best part about this was that you didn't even need a walkthrough if you were stuck, you just needed to check out the Replay menu to get an idea on how to complete tasks and objectives.
My favorite character in this game would have to be Priti. I don't know why, but even though I'm half Arabian and am tired of Indian girls, this 2-D honey has me drooling like a freaking greyhound. I also have to give points to Rachel. I find petite girls slightly more appealing than extremely busty ones, and this neko-girl ticks all the boxes. Lastly, I must admit that Cassandra has taken my interest recently. That superiority complex coupled with the headmaster's teaching is going to make her a ball breaker. And even you have to admit, a girl with a deadly psychological skills is hot. Anyways, enough fanboy-ing, I'm probably creeping you out.
I don't think I have any issues with the game, or if I did then I've forgotten them. What I can say for certain is that you've made a brilliant game. Thanks a lot, mate.
Could just be my phone, but large downloads (1 gb+) from google tend to get corrupted while downloading, causing that. Sometimes it's fixed by downloading it multiple times. Also try clearing the cache from whatever browser you're using
Do you have antivirus on your phone? My AV copies the apk after scanning it, then install from the copy. This increases the resource requirements for free space, RAM and processor speed by what seems like double. I get around this by long-pressing the apk and choose to open it with Android package installer, not AV package installer. Has worked for me on every game that initially refused to install.
I also got here via MxR Plays... Great writing and humor and pop culture references! I was really surprised at the care and details! Looking forward to the next update!
← Return to game
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I have been a silent accountless reader for a while now and logged in weekly for any news on the next update and am glad to know this masterpiece is still in development please keep up the great work altosandherdone this game is brilliant simply a piece of art at least in my opinion thanks for all your work looking forward to the updates to come.
Super great game. I ran into a few glitches though. Amy's final quest glitched out on me and didn't occur; Faye kept coming into the office the entire week instead for some reason even though I didn't trigger the classroom discipline event with her. Also, one of the rule changes glitched out when Rachel fell asleep on a Friday morning before the meeting and got triggered but never appeared.
It would seem getting in the lake on Saturday mornings by convincing Amy to take her top off doesn't actually increase Popularity by 1 like it says it does.
This game is like the most perfect sick and dark AVN. It really encapsulates the feeling of enjoying the perversion but feeling guilty about it. The MC is a straight up sociopath, but you control him so what does that make you? The kind of story that could only be told properly in the form of a video game.
I'm having issues loading the game. When I first download and install, I can open the game and it runs fine. But once I close it and try to launch it again later, it just sits on a blank screen. I'm playing on an android tablet. Any suggestions
Have you checked the open apps section of your tablet to see if it is still running the black screen in the background? I had that problem with one of my old phones, it would keep a closed application running in the background and I would have to force quit the app to restart it. If you aren't sure how to get to that screen, a shut down and restart of your tablet might be in order.
That point is fairly far into the current story. There are a few things you have to do in order to progress that far. Opening the lake and then visiting it in the morning to talk to the groundskeeper, getting the groundskeeper to take you to where he found the previous headmaster, talking to the science teacher to gain access to all of the old headmaster's files on the computer. I believe there may be a few more steps, but those are the ones I remember off the top of my head.
Yes. You have to continue the quest to find out what happened to the previous headmaster. Open the lake and talk to the groundskeeper in the morning, and eventually the quest will progress. It happens after a certain point in the rest of the story, but I can't remember exactly when. Also, if you haven't already started discipline training Claire, you should start doing that as well, as there is more story that is locked behind that as well.
i lost my last save due to an accidental wipe of my computer, and was very close to finishing the game. does anyone have a copy of a nearly complete or complete playthrough of it?
I save my game after every day (unless nothing happend for a while). You can use my saves to start somewhere in between where you like or the last one where everything is unlocked except the end with enough grades.
thanks! it would have taken way too long to build back up to where i was before
Thanks for your saves, I meet the same situation like the Caughtdog, I,ve download the saves you provide, but how could I use the saves on my computer? I can't find the right files directory on my computer, the PC which runs the Windows 10 OS. Could you help me, thanks a lot.
2 options:
Bottem left search bar windows 10 typ:
open folders renpy (here are all the saves of any renpy game) and then open the head master file. Put the saves in there.
The folder you showed, open game and there should also be a saves folder. pop them in there.
Thanks a lot, I've reload the playthrough where when I lost before; by the way I find the same saves can work in Android well just like Windows, I could play it on all my device by synchronizing the "saves" folder. Thanks again.
with public punishments
The more discipline you apply publicly, the higher your discipline rating. Explore everywhere every time you can, it's not uncommon to find situations in the halls and gym entrance that can be used to increase discipline. Also watch out for situations that can increase your popularity at the cost of discipline. Sure, the increased popularity might seem nice, but not at the cost of discipline that sometimes accompanies it, such as walking around on the weekends and not telling the girls to keep the volume down on the music. Once your discipline gets high enough, you can go back to working on popularity, as you should already have enough discipline to unlock new rules, which in turn grants more discipline points.
Buying certain items to make punishments easier. Or look in the quest log for specific personal goals for a girl. Filling all bars in a corporal punishment will level her up.
i couldve updated the game already since the coding is easy
Coding isn't really the time consuming part, it's the rendering and storyboarding. Some of the renders that I've done in the past took quite a while, even with multiple computers acting as a render farm in order to speed up the process.
Given that each update has as many words of dialogue as a short novel, plus a thousand or so new images and dozens of animations all made by one person. I really don't think you could do it any quicker. It takes probably 10-12 hours work for me for every minute of gameplay. Animations take even longer. The amount of work that goes into making something like this is insane. I'm working hard on the next update but it's still a couple of months away. That's just the way it is. Complaining here won't make the update come any faster.
Exactly my point. I've done renders that even utilizing a render farm took over 6 hours for one render. Granted those were much more detailed than what you have in your game, but I was also utilizing probably $50,000 USD worth of computers for a single render. I very much doubt you have that amount of computing power at your disposal. Assuming your have a similar amount of processing power available as I currently have, I wouldn't be surprised if a single render for an animation sequence took you between 6 and 7 hours with your current models, barring any inconsistencies in the final product.
The writing is something that I don't have any comparable experience with, as I am not a writer myself. However, I wouldn't be surprised at all if just the writing portion itself takes roughly a month or two to finish by itself.
People just need to learn to be patient. A finished product can only be as good as the amount of time spent creating it allows, and you can't rush things like this. Keep up the good work altosandherdone, and rest assured knowing that many of the people interested in your creation are more than willing to wait for a good update rather than a shitty one.
Here's a crazy idea - distributed rendering. Using the supporters collective cpu's to help speed up the process. Does something like this exist?
That is what a render farm is. A render farm uses the cpu and gpu of each computer in the farm to distribute the load, allowing for more rendering threads to be processed at once. An effective farm can take a project that would take a single computer 24 hours, and can cut that down to 4-5 hours depending on the processing power of each computer in the farm.
Edit: I just noticed you said supporters collective cpu's. That would be extremely expensive to do, as the bandwidth consumption would be insane. A render farm is normally multiple computers in one building (usually all in the same room) on the same LAN network so that you aren't having to send insane amounts of data through the internet. Also, the more varied the processing power of the computers in the farm, the worse of a farm it is, as the host computer has to divide up the threads to send to each computer, and multiple processing speeds would increase the host load. Too much variation in processing power can actually make the rendering process take longer. Most render farms are purpose built, with each computer built with identical specs to minimize this load.
Thanks for the explanation - however I found this, https://bitwrk.net/ - so technically it seems both possible and available.
yo these updates taking way to long
But they are worth the wait.
I'm looking forward to the new version as well. I enjoyed everything the current version has to offer, and want to see the new content.
Haha, I just started this and Had my Character name as Nightmare for the last name. It fit so well with the opening scene. Nightmare Method.
I don't remember that particular part of the story very well, but I'll do my best to give some advice and hope it works. If you want to progress a specific girl, check every area at every opportunity. Some events trigger only on certain days of the week, at a specific time of day, while doing a specific activity. If you aren't sure about a specific event, try saving before each action for an entire week, and reloading the save if you do not get the event you are hunting for. I know it's a lot of trial and error, but for some events it's the easiest way to do it.
If you are talking about increasing a girl's level after a punishment event, save before the punishment and try various things in order to reach max on each punishment stat, reloading (or hitting the restart from beginning button) if you don't reach the stats required by the end of the punishment. Some punishment's require various things to be purchased online before you can succeed in maxing out the stats as well, so check the online shop.
Are there any cheats
hit the replay button, then press the red button on the top right corner 3 times
When is the next update?
I am super eager for the next update, hoping for more of Rachel and Claire mostly, even though their arcs are mostly complete. Particularly because it seems Claire's arc will also contain the Twin's arc, which I also really want.
oh how i'd love to see more of charlotte but that doesnt mean this game isnt perfect! a 10/10
i just realized im locked out of amys questline, i havent done her 4th questline apparently and i can get it to activate for whatever reason. theres a promt when i teach a morning class where i have to relieve her, but then after that nothing happens
To progress in Amy's path she has to go the full weeks time without any gratification whatsoever. So the first time she shows up just wanting a release then each day she starts offering things like HJ or BJ and then offers sex and so on. If you accept at any point cuz you want to view the scene then the 7 day counter starts all over. But if you hold out and refuse her each time on the next weekday morning after the full time period you will finally punish her and have anal sex with her. She will then agree to be your test training subject for others to practice on. That will happen in future updates apparently. But for now after she agrees you can summon her after school and repeat the punishments on her. There is only one more thing you can do with her in the current version after she agrees to be test subject. Once the swimming pool is built on tuesday mornings you can follow her into the girls locker room and have vag or anal sex with her.
thats great and all but i waited many weeks with only a promt in class telling me " Looks like shes suffering with those chastity panties on, dont worry amy ill make sure to do somemthing special when your punishment is over" after that i try calling her but it doesnt give me the option. i denied her relief everytime she asked and somehow i get the scenes. idk if im locked out
If you have advanced through the entire week of her being forced to wear them, she shows up the morning they are to be taken off as well. I personally selected to make her wait until after classes, at which point the punishment activated and the event was completed. I don't know if you chose to let her out early or not (I don't even remember if you can let her out of them that morning or not), but if you are stuck in a loop where you are prompted to let her out of them but are unable to, then you may indeed be bugged.
It may be bugged for you I don't know. After refusing her the final time the next day you automatically have her come after school for a private punishment. I would say don't automatically skip through days if you were and maybe don't have any other girls come after school for punishments and maybe that will trigger it for you? On my playthrough it would have fallen on a friday but cuz of the board meeting it didn't happen til monday. Also you won't get the option to summon her after school until after you've completed this and assigned her the role of test subject. So if you have the option to summon her but are still getting the chastity panties scenes it sounds like a definite bug. In that case hopefully you have a save game point from before this path that you can revert to and try again without having to play from beginning?
i restarted the game, i tried fixing it, but i got impatient over a small bug
update when? i literally cleared all current events
A porn game where there's almost no sex, but i still enjoyed the girl tho. I still think this is a very good ggame, I'll waiting for the next update
Rated 10/10
where are the saves found
when is gonna be the new version out?
So I'm from America and the word slag isn't slang for anything here. after six(ish) months I finally bothered to look it up and in British terms it means "a woman who has many casual sexual encounters or relationships."
I honestly don't know what I was expecting given the context of the game. Maybe I just expected Ruth to be more socially aware of terms like that given her position or she just didn't spell it out in her head when giving the okay.
she is religious. that kind of character is unlikely to be be aware of the term.
Edit: I suppose this is another reason why they try to keep religion out of education.
or another reason to not name a real school 'SLAG' :D
I need more Cassandra, Alice, Harriet, Trixie and Candy :)
I simply don't even know where to begin. This has been, hands down on desk, the most entertaining game I have ever played in my life! There is just, it's almost impossible to organize my thoughts.
It started with what I was sure was just a delightfully funny dream sequence that would cause a "meh, and then we wake up" but it wasn't... Then I was like, "Oh, this is one of those weird worlds where this kind of thing is just par for the course and... OH MY GOD THEY ALL LOOK HORRIFIED!!!" As I continued to tap on my phone, slack jawed and sides hurting from laughter. "THIS IS AMAZING."
And the longer I played the better it got. There is nothing about this game that you won't find enjoyable. The writing and especially banter between characters is dare I say (Before EA got them) Bioware level, if not The Outer Worlds caliber. The amount of effort that had probably gone into the study of human psychology, the Headmaster actually makes some solid points most of the time.
Each and every character has their own kind of charm and unique spirit given to them; from the so adorable you just don't know what to do with her Priti, the 'Mean Girls' duo of Debbie and Samantha, and the not as innocent as it appears Lucy. To the 'Little Washu' crazy Science Teacher, the grounds keeper Jimmy (who is now exclusively voiced by Brad Pitt's character in Snatch, in my head), and the well toned hotty Amy.
I understand that there's only so much that could be done about music selection without thousands and thousands of dollars but their choices were so good. Especially the chapter 1 finally where the visitors from the other school came. I heard those drums and immediately started laughing, and once that first rise hit I was about to wet myself. Sound effects are solid but nothing to write home about. If spanking is your thing though it will get your motor running though.
Final thoughts are, I need more! While I did the free download initially my enjoyment and the laughs were worth the $50 I came back and paid. There is a little something for everyone here.
100% most entertaining game available. spanking is not really my thing, but this game makes it hilarious
Thank you for these kind words and your even kinder donation. It is really appreciated.
You deserve every bit of that praise and more. Now, I just burned through the last of the content and need a fix. When can we expect an update?
i think im getting addicted spanking the maid 🤪
can someone tell me that what should I do for nina story.I saw her lighter and I didn't take it from her. I sentenced faye to a public punishment . after that I saw faye and nina in shower then faye asked nina to clean the marker . what should I do now?
That's it for now. Faye and Nina's story is scheduled to be expanded on in version 0.13.
Can someone help me unlock the Lake...I'm stuck on the "If a Headmaster Falls in the woods" and "Troublesome Inspector" quest.
If you haven't played through your first week in the game, you don't need help yet... (It's not just about spanking naked schoolgirls!)
me too im stuck on the 3rd part where i have to wait for the janitor to find where the old headmaster died
this game has brought things out in me i did not know i had...... and am both excited and fearful of what's to come. its incredibly funny and well scripted and the freedom is amazing. all in all when i finally am a little more stable with money i will definitely drop a donation on this masterpiece lol
Ages upon ages ago (a year ago, literally) I said I'd donate to this game because of the sheer enjoyment and entertainment I got out of the writing, and today I make good on that promise. I've come back to this game like 3 times through your updates and I think I laugh more each time.
What the fuck is this, I take a few pictures of this girls bum and now I gotta put down a student uprising, sick world man
I can't tell if your talking about the game or the uprising. I mean both are legit claims. But if it's the former I am legit wondering where you thought this game was going after the prologue.
Hey Altos
So, my first thought when I saw this game was that it was just about sexy punishments and 'educational' BDSM. I didn't think it was going to be entertaining or that the story would be as interesting when the protagonist is a thirty-something headmaster.
Imagine my surprise when I opened up the game and my first objective was to raise the school's grades and discipline as well as form business relations with my on-site staff. Now, I've been in business and know what the experience is like compared to the pathetic dialogue certain movies and games explain it to be. I was completely immersed in the act of 'working' in this game, getting to know my students on a personal level (even spying on them as they showered *nudge nudge*). The duties and roles this game expected me to achieve was absolutely realistic, the views of the headmaster made sense on more than one occasion, and I even found myself changing my perception on certain topics as I went through the motions of disciplining every hot bodied chick in this goddamn school.
Okay... my serious reviewing aside that makes me seem like some forty-year-old perv...
This game turned out to be better than I ever anticipated! The mechanics were suave, I loved the daily run around and don't get me started on those awesome H-scenes. I swear, this is even better than watching a decent hentai when your second brain is awake.
The best part about this was that you didn't even need a walkthrough if you were stuck, you just needed to check out the Replay menu to get an idea on how to complete tasks and objectives.
My favorite character in this game would have to be Priti. I don't know why, but even though I'm half Arabian and am tired of Indian girls, this 2-D honey has me drooling like a freaking greyhound. I also have to give points to Rachel. I find petite girls slightly more appealing than extremely busty ones, and this neko-girl ticks all the boxes. Lastly, I must admit that Cassandra has taken my interest recently. That superiority complex coupled with the headmaster's teaching is going to make her a ball breaker. And even you have to admit, a girl with a deadly psychological skills is hot. Anyways, enough fanboy-ing, I'm probably creeping you out.
I don't think I have any issues with the game, or if I did then I've forgotten them. What I can say for certain is that you've made a brilliant game. Thanks a lot, mate.
Thanks Kitsch! I'm glad you have enjoyed the game so far. You're in luck as the next update has Priti as the main star.
Ooohhhh. Altos, you just made me a happy, happy guy, oh just a happy I happy happy guy :D
P.S.- sorry, I just couldn't resist.
any idea when the game will get an update?
i don't know... will have to check his patreon...
please add autosave. i lost 4 hours worth of gameplay. please just add it i beg
There is an auto save.
I'm trying to install the game on my phone, but it just doesn't install :/
It just says "app not installed" ("O app não foi instalado", in pt-br)
It has android 10 and I have 4.7gb of free space...
Can you help?
ps: srry by the bad english, i'm learning it yet :p
Could just be my phone, but large downloads (1 gb+) from google tend to get corrupted while downloading, causing that. Sometimes it's fixed by downloading it multiple times. Also try clearing the cache from whatever browser you're using
Do you have antivirus on your phone? My AV copies the apk after scanning it, then install from the copy. This increases the resource requirements for free space, RAM and processor speed by what seems like double. I get around this by long-pressing the apk and choose to open it with Android package installer, not AV package installer. Has worked for me on every game that initially refused to install.
I also got here via MxR Plays... Great writing and humor and pop culture references! I was really surprised at the care and details! Looking forward to the next update!
Hes still making content?
Im sorry, I was complimenting the Headmaster creator, but yes, both are still making content.
hi how can you open the girl bath locker in the sports area
You can't open it as of yet. But if you finish Amy's story and recruit her, she lures you in there... (Enjoy it!!!